Career & Financial Management-BCN11T_4 (Period 8) 2021 1 Assignments

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Past Assignments


F7) Saving and Investing in Google Classroom

F7) Saving and Investing


F6) Everfi: Module 2 - Employment and Taxes in Google Classroom

F6) Everfi: Module 2 - Employment and Taxes

Log onto Everfi and complete Module 2: Employment and Taxes


F5) Reading a Paystub in Google Classroom

F5) Reading a Paystub

Go to the following link to read the key terms for this assignment


F4) Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer in Google Classroom

F4) Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer


F3) Taxes Overview in Google Classroom

F3) Taxes Overview


F1) How to Improve my Credit Score in Google Classroom

F1) How to Improve my Credit Score


E8) Edpuzzle - Credit Card Statements in Google Classroom

E8) Edpuzzle - Credit Card Statements


E9) Edpuzzle - Reading a Credit Card Statement in Google Classroom

E9) Edpuzzle - Reading a Credit Card Statement


E7) What does your statement tell you? in Google Classroom

E7) What does your statement tell you?


E6) EverFi - Module 5: Credit and Debt in Google Classroom

E6) EverFi - Module 5: Credit and Debt


E5) Shopping for Credit Cards in Google Classroom

E5) Shopping for Credit Cards


E4 HW) Edpuzzle - Getting Your First Credit Card in Google Classroom

E4 HW) Edpuzzle - Getting Your First Credit Card


E3) Edpuzzle - credit cards 101 in Google Classroom

E3) Edpuzzle - credit cards 101


E2) Credit Part 1 in Google Classroom

E2) Credit Part 1


E1) EverFi - Banking Basics in Google Classroom

E1) EverFi - Banking Basics

Sign-up for an account and complete the lesson called "Banking Basics"


D12) Online & Mobile Banking: Part 2 in Google Classroom

D12) Online & Mobile Banking: Part 2


Do-now Participation Grade Average in Google Classroom

Do-now Participation Grade Average


Do-now Make-up in Google Classroom

Do-now Make-up

If you missed Do-nows and want to boost your grade, complete the mini Do-now Wellness project.


D11) Online Mobile Banking: Part 1 in Google Classroom

D11) Online Mobile Banking: Part 1


D10) Prepaid Cards | Peer-to-Peer Payments in Google Classroom

D10) Prepaid Cards | Peer-to-Peer Payments

Watch the following video to inform yourself about checking accounts for teens.
Write a private comment with 3 main ideas from the video


D9) Checking Accounts in Google Classroom

D9) Checking Accounts

Finished early? EXTRA CREDIT!!!

Research a free checking account for students.

Create a Google slide or Google Doc about 3 different banks and the free student checking account they have. 
What are the differences between the accounts? 
How old do you have to be to open the account? 
How much money do you need to have in your account? 
Which one would you open and why?


D8) Financial Literacy in Google Classroom

D8) Financial Literacy


D7) Personal Finance KWL in Google Classroom

D7) Personal Finance KWL


D6) Interview Reflection in Google Classroom

D6) Interview Reflection


D5) What to wear to an interview and at work in Google Classroom

D5) What to wear to an interview and at work


D4) Sign-up to get interviewed + Resume Revision in Google Classroom

D4) Sign-up to get interviewed + Resume Revision

Please revise your resume and have them ready for your interview. I'm out sick, so we're moving interviews to next Monday!

Please make sure you sign up for 2 different jobs to interview for. Your name should should show up twice - one on each page of the document.


D3) Common Interview Questions in Google Classroom

D3) Common Interview Questions


D2) Tell me about yourself in Google Classroom

D2) Tell me about yourself


D1) Applying for a Job in Google Classroom

D1) Applying for a Job

Complete the "What makes me a good fit for this position? worksheet
Sign-up for a type of job, program, or internship you’re applying and interviewing for. Once all of the spaces are filled, you can no longer apply for that position. 
After you sign-up on a position you’re applying for, revise your resume’s objective to reflect the position you’re applying for. See Sample resumes for example.


C8) Create a Resume in Google Docs in Google Classroom

C8) Create a Resume in Google Docs


C7) Create a Vision Board (EC) in Google Classroom

C7) Create a Vision Board (EC)

If you've completed (C6) Resumes and Cover Letters, please create a Vision Board using the Applied Digital Skills Google Application.

This is a 50 points extra credit assignment that will help you develop skills in using Google Drawings.


C6) Resumes and Cover Letters in Google Classroom

C6) Resumes and Cover Letters


C5) New Year’s Reflection and Goals in Google Classroom

C5) New Year’s Reflection and Goals


C4) What is a resume? What should you include in it? What should you not include in is? in Google Classroom

C4) What is a resume? What should you include in it? What should you not include in is?


C2) Job Search in Google Classroom

C2) Job Search


C1) Best Ways to Find a Job in Google Classroom

C1) Best Ways to Find a Job

Complete the Google Slide by following the directions in the slide.


B7) Lifestyle Cost in Google Classroom

B7) Lifestyle Cost


B8) Level of Education to Salary in Google Classroom

B8) Level of Education to Salary


B1.2) Oral Presentation (Peer Rated) in Google Classroom

B1.2) Oral Presentation (Peer Rated)


B1.1) Peer Rating Participation in Google Classroom

B1.1) Peer Rating Participation

Points received for simply listening to presentations and participating in rating/evaluating other peers


B5) Lifestyle and Goals Storyboard in Google Classroom

B5) Lifestyle and Goals Storyboard

Create a Google Slide or Google Drawing of your future goals and desired lifestyle. You may create a collage, add images, text, etc.

Please include the following:
Items you want to own
Type of house/apartment you want to live in
Area you want to live (NYC? Florida? Urban? Suburb? Rural)
Potential occupations
Food you want to eat
Activities you want to enjoy
Images related to lifestyle
Label or write a sentence explaining each picture

Places you want to visit
Add whatever else you'd like to include


B6) Lifestyle Exploration in Google Classroom

B6) Lifestyle Exploration


B2) Project Reflection in Google Classroom

B2) Project Reflection


B3) Edpuzzle - EP 2.3 Apprenticeships in Google Classroom

B3) Edpuzzle - EP 2.3 Apprenticeships


B4) College Vocabulary in Google Classroom

B4) College Vocabulary


B1) Career Research Project in Google Classroom

B1) Career Research Project


A10) Career Exploration #1 in Google Classroom

A10) Career Exploration #1


EC1) EQ Videos in Google Classroom

EC1) EQ Videos

Friday, October 8th is a make-up/catch-up day!

If you're all caught up, watch the following videos and answer these questions for extra credit points!


A8) EQ Digital Poster in Google Classroom

A8) EQ Digital Poster


A7) EQ in the Workplace - Annotations in Google Classroom

A7) EQ in the Workplace - Annotations

Skim the text by reading the FIRST SENTENCE of each paragraph
Re-read the article and highlight key FACTS
While you re-read, UNDERLINE important information. Don’t underline more than 1-2 sentences per paragraph, and don’t underline entire paragraphs.
While you read, BOLD words you’re not familiar with so that you can look them up later.
Lastly, make 3-5 comments on text with personal insights, questions, or reflections.


A5) Edpuzzle - Emotional Intelligence in Google Classroom

A5) Edpuzzle - Emotional Intelligence


A6) Are You Emotionally Intelligent? Self-Assessment (5 min) in Google Classroom

A6) Are You Emotionally Intelligent? Self-Assessment (5 min)


A4) Core Values in Google Classroom

A4) Core Values


A3) 12 Self-Awareness Exercises  in Google Classroom

A3) 12 Self-Awareness Exercises

Read the text: 12 Self-Awareness Exercises 
Answer the following questions in the given slide

Create 3 slides of 3 different self-awareness exercises that you think are the most beneficial to know. Add the sides to this presentation deckGuidelines:
The title should be the name of the exercises
Include at least 2 picture
Describe the steps to practice this exercise
Explain the benefits of this exercise


A2) P5: Interests in Google Classroom

A2) P5: Interests


1) First, create a new folder in your Google Drive called, "Career Readiness."
2) Open the uploaded project #5: Interests. Follow the instructions on creating a Google Form.
3) Take the form yourself.
4) Create a Google Sheet of the form and upload your form results along with the Google Form.


X2) Goals (Beginning, Mid-year, End-of-year) in Google Classroom

X2) Goals (Beginning, Mid-year, End-of-year)


A1) Self-introduction Slide in Google Classroom

A1) Self-introduction Slide

OPTION 1: Google Slides Introduction
Create 3-5 Google Slides about yourself with 2 - 4 pictures in each slide. Write 2 - 4 sentences in each slide describing your background, interests, etc.

OPTION 2: Photo Collage on Google Slide
Create a Google Slide of 8 pictures of more of your and/or your interests. Feel free to decorate as you please with stickers and background images. Caption your main images.

For an example, see slides 4, 5, 6 and slide 14