School Policies
- No hats, headbands or do-rags.
- No iPods, cell phones, walkmen, discmen, radios, beepers, or walkie-talkies.
- Newtown is a weapon-free zone, including box cutters and screwdrivers.
- Students should always enter the school through the auditorium doors.
- I.D. and program cards must be carried by students when in the building.
- Students are not allowed to eat or drink in hallways or classrooms.
- Students are not allowed to leave the building during the school day for any reason, including during their lunch period.
- Students in the hallways during class time should always have an official pass from the teacher.
- Students should dress appropriately for school: no halter tops, backless tops, tank tops, midriff top, or short shorts.
- Students should not loiter around the school before or after their school day.