Parents » School Meals

School Meals

School Meals

Students attending school in person will be offered free breakfast and lunch daily in school. Please contact our main office for more information on meal times and locations.


Support School Funding

You do not need to apply for your child to receive meals. However, we do ask families to complete Family Income Inquiry Form(Open external link), which helps schools receive money for their programs. Your school will send a copy of this form home with your child, or you can get it from your school’s main office.


Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (P-EBT) Food Benefits

The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (P-EBT) is a Federal program to provide food benefits to children who miss the opportunity to receive school meals due to pandemic-related school closures. These benefits will take the form of funds on electronic benefit transfer (EBT cards) which can be used in the same manner as SNAP (food stamp) cards.

Children enrolled at schools provided breakfast and lunch service by the DOE’s food and nutrition program are eligible.